HighTouch Knowledge Base

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Welcome to the HighTouch Knowledge Base pages!

To get started with the HighTouch platform, register and connect one of the messengers to create a bot:




The Script Editor Interface will help you get started with scripts.

​Flow Builder Interface

Here we will tell you how to create and modify scripts, what message blocks are and how to work with them.

The articles Types of Blocks and Variables will help you understand more about creating scripts.

Types of blocksVariables

Bot works for you 24/7 without any weekends or lunch breaks.

But if you need to continue a dialog with a subscriber without Bot's intervention, you can turn it off for a while and then turn it back on.

We tell you how to do this in our article:

Bot subscription/unsubscription

How to set up integration with AmoCRM

Integration with AmoCRM

Are you a software developer? Read the API documentation.


Last updated