API General information

HighTouch API (1.1.2)

HighTouch REST API allows you to implement a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Sending notifications to messengers from your website;

  • Downloading a database of contacts (users);

  • Chatbot configuration from a foreign system;

  • Complex solutions involving external systems.

API architecture

  1. API is built on the principles of REST: it uses methods of GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE.

  2. The result of all requests comes in the format JSON:

     Content-type: application/json
  3. Requests that return a list of results uselimit - offset pagination..

    • limit - The maximum number of results in the request (no more than 100).

    • offset - shift by ordinal number (by default:0).

Authorization in API

All API requests are protected by token-based authorization. To obtain a token, send a request to /api/auth/login/ with your authorization data (see "Authorization").

Each API request must contain a header:

 Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Most of the requests work at the store level (Shop), so they require passingshop_id as a parameter

  • B

  • (Shop) - The central element in the HighTouch platform. It combines bot scenarios, connected channels, a user and application database, and a set of settings. A single platform user can manage multiple stores. For example, a partner gets access to his store and the stores of connected customers.

  • (Bot) - is a messenger account that is used to communicate with the user.

  • (BotUser) - a user in a messenger who communicates with the bot. The same person will be represented by different users in different messengers!

  • (Lead) - are forms (questionnaires) filled out by users.

  • (Order) - Orders in the online store. They contain customer contact information and a basket of goods.

  • (Step) - The main building block of the bot's script. Most often, a step is a single message sent by the bot to the user, followed by the platform performing certain actions depending on the type of step.

  • (MenuItem) - buttons, which move the user between steps.

Last updated