Creating HSM templates

Creating a new HSM template in HighTouch:

  1. Open Settings / HSM Templates

  2. Create a new template

  3. Specify the template name

  4. Specify a category (see template categories)

  5. Specify message language

  6. Сreate a message from components of the constructor (see below)

  7. Send

  8. Wait till the approved status of the message New HSM message can be used

Template message builder:

A template message consists of four parts:

These components can be added in the HSM message builder.

Variables can be included in the message body: A variable in the HSM template is a number enclosed in double brackets:

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar {{2}}.
Here is the link: {{3}}


We will be glad to see you at the webinar "Chatbots without programming".

Here is the link:

Formatting text

You can enclose text in ** and it will be displayed in bold.

Components of template messages:

Header Optional field.

Can contain:

  1. Image

  2. Document

  3. Video

  4. Location

  5. Text

There can be up to 60 symbols and one variable - placeholder.

Body Required field.

Text only. It can contain up to 1024 symbols and can be registered as a regular text or as a text with variables (placeholders).

Only text. Can contain up to 60 characters.


Buttons are optional.

The button text can contain up to 20 characters. Templates can contain only one or another type of button:

Quick replies - Each message can have up to three quick reply buttons. Predefined responses and>1 flexible payload.

Call-to-action - There can be up to two buttons, one for each action. Supported actions are: 1) call-to-action and 2) go to a website.

Last updated