Copy of The first chatbot
A quick solution to your problems.
In order to get started on our platform, we suggest building a simple flow for your bot. It's very simple and doesn't require any programming skills.
Let's, for example, say hello to your client.
Go to "Settings" -> "Custom fields" and create a variable to store the client age
click create
Create the flow
Give it a name
Click on the plus button and then on the "Question" block
Click on the box that appears and in the "Message text" field write "How old are you? and under "Save answer to a variable" select the "age" variable you created
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click "Send" and then press the cross in the upper right corner
Now click on the "Message" block
Click on the black circle at the bottom of the "Question" block and extend the link to the same circle on the "Message" block
Similar to the Question box, click the Message box and enter the following text: "You're already ! How fast time flies!". Then click the "Send" button as well.
Congratulations! You just created your first bot. You can write to it and it will say hello to you!
Last updated